Building resilience in the workplace is very essential for individuals and organizations to thrive in the face of challenges, stress,

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Mental health awareness is very important at the workplace.   Improving the mental health of  workers can  improve decision-making, thinking, confidence,

With the fast pace of qualified and experienced women in the corporate world, it is very necessary that women executives

The Benefits of being a part of a Community of Life Coaches   As a Life coach, I am sure

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Don’t Dim Your Glow

I was with a group of people recently, and the chat went towards having to set boundaries. As we bantered

Register using this link: It’s time to focus and be intentional about your life – in your profession, your

COVID -19 lockdown brought about a disruption and a complete change in working habits. People had to work from home.

This is a TWO DAY Transformational ZOOM Masterclass for Business Owners, Professionals & Personal Development Trainers The World Ecomonic (WEF)

Are you living an authentic life?  You can find out with this  FREE Daily Authenticity Checklist – which has 10

As I said in Part 1 of HOW TO THRIVE IN THESE UNCERTAIN TIMES – many people in the US,

Let me start by quoting Fr Jerry Orbos of Moments who said – “Let this COVID-19 outbreak cleanse, purify, and

Your ‘Vision Board’!

My ‘tango’ with creating a goal focused vision board started in 2017. With the law of attraction and the talk

Emotions & Well-being

What we feel emotionally becomes HOW we feel physically. Your attitude and behavior affects your stress level and in turn

Procrastination is said to be the thief of your destiny. A lot of people stand at the edge of making

Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!

Etiquette in the Workplace

Duis iaculis mattis rutrum. Sed iaculis magna sit amet suscipit ornare. Nulla ornare leo a tortor aliquam, quis interdum ex tempor. Quisque ultricies consequat suscipit. Donec tincidunt tempor ornare. Praesent a enim vel augue suscipit auctor in gravida augue. Suspendisse ut libero sit amet augue molestie fringilla. Fusce molestie, velit a finibus eleifend, nibh odio…

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Duis iaculis mattis rutrum. Sed iaculis magna sit amet suscipit ornare. Nulla ornare leo a tortor aliquam, quis interdum ex tempor. Quisque ultricies consequat suscipit. Donec tincidunt tempor ornare. Praesent a enim vel augue suscipit auctor in gravida augue. Suspendisse ut libero sit amet augue molestie fringilla. Fusce molestie, velit a finibus eleifend, nibh odio…

Playful illustration

Duis iaculis mattis rutrum. Sed iaculis magna sit amet suscipit ornare. Nulla ornare leo a tortor aliquam, quis interdum ex tempor. Quisque ultricies consequat suscipit. Donec tincidunt tempor ornare. Praesent a enim vel augue suscipit auctor in gravida augue. Suspendisse ut libero sit amet augue molestie fringilla. Fusce molestie, velit a finibus eleifend, nibh odio…

Duis iaculis mattis rutrum. Sed iaculis magna sit amet suscipit ornare. Nulla ornare leo a tortor aliquam, quis interdum ex tempor. Quisque ultricies consequat suscipit. Donec tincidunt tempor ornare. Praesent a enim vel augue suscipit auctor in gravida augue. Suspendisse ut libero sit amet augue molestie fringilla. Fusce molestie, velit a finibus eleifend, nibh odio…

More adventurous colours

Duis iaculis mattis rutrum. Sed iaculis magna sit amet suscipit ornare. Nulla ornare leo a tortor aliquam, quis interdum ex tempor. Quisque ultricies consequat suscipit. Donec tincidunt tempor ornare. Praesent a enim vel augue suscipit auctor in gravida augue. Suspendisse ut libero sit amet augue molestie fringilla. Fusce molestie, velit a finibus eleifend, nibh odio…

Web animation

Duis iaculis mattis rutrum. Sed iaculis magna sit amet suscipit ornare. Nulla ornare leo a tortor aliquam, quis interdum ex